Artificial Intelligence, Robotics for Humans

  • RNA NUMBER: W953013325
  • OBJECTIVE: to protect individuals from the negative impacts of artificial intelligence and robotics through research, ethical standards, education, and partnerships
  • HEADQUARTERS: 30 Bis rue de Villiers-Adam 95630 Mériel
  • DECLARATION DATE: March 4, 2024
  • DECLARATION LOCATION: Val-d’Oise Prefecture
    • social interventions /
  • LOCATION: Val-d’Oise

Organization’s objectives and activities:

  • Develop and promote recommendations regarding the ethical use of artificial intelligence and robotics, aiming to prevent potential harmful consequences of their implementation for individuals and society as a whole, while ensuring ethical standards and principles are adhered to during the development, integration, and operation of these technologies.
  • Support research and innovation in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics, focused on addressing global challenges such as climate change, medical research, sustainable development, and others.
  • Establish partnerships with industry players, scientific communities, and government agencies to exchange knowledge, experiences, and best practices in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics.
  • Organize educational and awareness events for the general public, including seminars, conferences, workshops, and exhibitions, dedicated to opportunities and challenges related to the development of artificial intelligence and robotics.
  • Promote the integration of artificial intelligence and robotics into the educational process to ensure the training of qualified professionals in this field and to improve digital literacy within society.
  • Defend the interests of artificial intelligence users by promoting the development of fair legislative and legal standards.
  • Collaborate with scientific organizations, institutes, universities, and research institutes to conduct joint research in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics.
  • Conduct and support research on the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics on society, the economy, culture, and the environment, as well as develop recommendations for their ethical and effective use.
  • Participate in legislative initiatives in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics throughout the process, from the conception to the discussion of laws regulating the use and development of artificial intelligence and robotics.
  • Develop and disseminate recommendations on best practices for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics: write and publish guides and recommendations for developers, researchers, businesses, and policymakers on the ethical and responsible application of artificial intelligence and robotics technologies.
  • Actively participate in the development of standards and recommendations regarding the use of artificial intelligence and robotics, with the aim of ensuring their safety, reliability, and ethics.
  • Cooperate with national and international standardization bodies, while developing our own guiding principles and standards, to promote the responsible and sustainable development of technologies.
  • Study and systematize the experience of using artificial intelligence and robotics in various fields, including industry, education, health, and urban planning.
  • Collect, analyze, and disseminate best practices and examples of use that can serve as a reference for developers, businesses, and policymakers, thus promoting more effective and ethical use of technologies.